
We help stakeholders achieve a just and orderly energy transition in Asia

  • The need for transition finance in Asia

    As the world is experiencing the impact of climate change, the need to accelerate the shift to net zero/carbon neutrality has become heightened. However, while promoting sustainability, reliability of energy supplies and their affordability must be maintained to ensure a just and orderly transition. This is especially critical for Asia, a region with rapid economic growth and wide socioeconomic gap among its countries, to reach the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement.

  • Challenges and our aspiration

    While the importance of TF toward a just and orderly transition has been widely recognized, TF providers such as FIs face reputational risk if their capital does not lead to climate transition.

    To overcome this challenge, TF providers, receivers, and policymakers need to align their perspectives on items, such as taxonomies and policies. Currently, consensus around a definition of TF has not yet emerged, and various organizations are still developing their own interpretation of what TF should cover. The ATF SG aims to help such stakeholders by understanding the challenges they face in TF and providing necessary support.

Who we are ?

The Asia Transition Finance Study Group (ATF SG) was founded in 2021 to bring together private financial institutions and other key stakeholders in Asia. The ATF SG aims to expedite the progress of transition finance implementation.

Mission statement

The Asia Transition Finance Study Group is a private-led study group, consisting of financial institutions operating in Asia, and collaborating with relevant stakeholders across the world. The ATF SG’s mission is to help achieve a just and orderly energy transition in Asia by facilitating discussions and expediting the progress of transition finance implementation.

Key Activities

Learn about our intiatives to improve transition finance in Asia

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A member who provides financial support or other resources to help sustain community activities

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