What We do?

Key Activities

Study group sessions

The ATF SG invites all participants to discuss and align on the ATF SG’s core components, such as its Mission, structure, agenda, publication content, etc.

Public-private dialogues

The ATF SG invites public authorities to have an open session with ATF SG participants to deliver the real voice of industry players and share challenges and to listen to their perspectives on public policies, regulations, guidelines, etc.

Peer learning sessions

Our peer learning sessions provide a dynamic forum for professionals to explore a diverse range of topics related to transition finance: 

Through lively discussions and real case studies, participants engage in a collaborative exchange of ideas and best practices. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to share insights and principles on transition finance, while also learning from technology case studies that demonstrate how to interpret existing guidelines and navigate the remaining challenges.

The focus of topics and sector varies by sessions; examples of focus sector includes but are not limited to:

  • Learning practices and cases from peer financial institutions
  • Learning challenges from energy and industry players
  • Sharing information on transition finance by international institutions, such as ICMA, SFIA, NZBA 
  • Discussing challenges and resolutions of transition finance with public authorities, such as OECD